[Nemerle] The null coalescing operator
От: ie Россия http://ziez.blogspot.com/
Дата: 23.09.06 13:51
Не так давно IT в Nemerle'овской рассылке спрашивал про оператор ??, который есть в Шарпе и напрочь отсутствует в Nemerle. Ну я и решлил для расзимнки написать его макросом. Оказалось не все так просто
Сперва, приведу соответствующий кусок C# спецификации:

14.12 The null coalescing operator
The ?? operator is called the null coalescing operator.
conditional-or-expression ?? null-coalescing-expression
A null coalescing expression of the form a ?? b requires a to be of a nullable type or reference type. If a is
non-null, the result of a ?? b is a; otherwise, the result is b. The operation evaluates b only if a is null.
The null coalescing operator is right-associative, meaning that operations are grouped from right to left.
[Example: An expression of the form a ?? b ?? c is evaluated as a ?? (b ?? c). In general terms, an
expression of the form E1 ?? E2 ?? ... ?? EN returns the first of the operands that is non-null, or null if all
operands are null. end example]
The type of the expression a ?? b depends on which implicit conversions are available between the types
of the operands. In order of preference, the type of a ?? b is A0, A, or B, where A is the type of a, B is the
type of b, and A0 is the type that results from removing the trailing ? modifier, if any, from A. Specifically,
a ?? b is processed as follows:
• If A is not a nullable type or a reference type, a compile-time error occurs.
• If A is a nullable type and an implicit conversion exists from b to A0, the result type is A0. At run-time, a
is first evaluated. If a is not null, a is unwrapped to type A0, and this becomes the result. Otherwise, b is
evaluated and converted to type A0, and this becomes the result.
• Otherwise, if an implicit conversion exists from b to A, the result type is A. At run-time, a is first
evaluated. If a is not null, a becomes the result. Otherwise, b is evaluated and converted to type A, and
this becomes the result.
• Otherwise, if an implicit conversion exists from A0 to B, the result type is B. At run-time, a is first
evaluated. If a is not null, a is unwrapped to type A0 (unless A and A0 are the same type) and converted
to type B, and this becomes the result. Otherwise, b is evaluated and becomes the result.
Otherwise, a and b are incompatible, and a compile-time error occurs.

Решил делать все по уму, а именно стараться неприкоснительно следовать спецификации. Итак, вот такой вот макрос получился:

using System.Console;

using Nemerle;
using Nemerle.Compiler;
using Nemerle.Compiler.Parsetree;
using Nemerle.Compiler.Typedtree;
using Nemerle.Text;

namespace Iae.Macro
  /** This module is used to simplify work with op_Implicit operator.

      This module is stateless.
  module OpImplicitHelper
     * Used to print all implicit operators of some type
    public PrintAll(cl : MType.Class) : void
      def members = cl.tycon.LookupMember("op_Implicit");
      foreach (m is IMethod in members)

     * Used to determine has a `from' type implicit conversation 
     * to a `to' type or hasn't.
    public HasImplicit(from : MType.Class, to : MType.Class) : bool
      def members = to.tycon.LookupMember("op_Implicit") 
                    + from.tycon.LookupMember("op_Implicit");
      ret : 
        foreach (m is IMethod in members)
          def tyRet = m.ReturnType;
          def tyPar = m.GetParameters().Head.ty;
          when (tyRet.Equals(to) && tyPar.Equals(from))
            ret (true);

  macro @printImplicit(expr)
    def typer = Macros.ImplicitCTX ();
    def tx = typer.TypeExpr (expr);
    match (tx.Type.Hint) 
      | Some (Class (_ti, _args) as cl) => 
      | _ => 
          Message.FatalError ("PrintImplicit macro can not be used with such expression.");

  macro @test(expr)
    <[ if ($expr != null) $expr.Value; else (CI () : int) ]>

  macro @?? (exprA, exprB)
    def typer = Macros.ImplicitCTX ();
    def tx = (typer.TypeExpr(exprA).Type.Hint, typer.TypeExpr(exprB).Type.Hint);
    def teA = typer.TypeExpr(exprA);
    def teB = typer.TypeExpr(exprB);
    def tyA = typer.TypeExpr(exprA).Type;
    def tyB = typer.TypeExpr(exprB).Type;

    def upCast = 
      (texpr, ty) => 
        TExpr.TypeConversion (texpr.loc, ty, texpr, ty, 
    def _implicit = 
      (texpr, ty) => 
        TExpr.TypeConversion (texpr.loc, ty, texpr, ty, 

    match (tx) 
      | (Some(Class(tiA, [tyA0]) as clA), Some(Class(_, _) as clB)) 
        when tiA.IsValueType && tiA.FullName == "System.Nullable" =>

          def clA0 = tyA0 :> MType.Class;
          if (clA0.Equals(clB) 
              || OpImplicitHelper.HasImplicit(clB, clA0))
             *  BUG: 'Nullable[T]' can not be converted to 'T', 
             *       but it should.
             *  Example:
             *    def inull : int? = 10
             *    // cannot convert System.Nullable[int] to int:
             *    def i : int = inull :> int
            def st = <[ 
              if ($exprA != null) 
                $(upCast(teB, tyA0) : typed)
            WriteLine($"nullable: B -> A0: $st");
          else if (clA.Equals(clB) 
                   || OpImplicitHelper.HasImplicit(clB, clA))
             *  BUG: 'Nullable[T1]' can not be converted to 
             *       'Nullable[T2]' when 'T1' has implicit 
             *       conversation to 'T2', but it should.
             *  C# Example: 
             *    int? i = 10;
             *    double? d = i;
            def st = <[ 
              if ($exprA != null) 
                $(upCast(teB, tyA) : typed)
            WriteLine($"nullable: B -> A: $st");
          else if (OpImplicitHelper.HasImplicit(clA0, clB))
             *  BUG: 'T1' can not be converted to 'Nullable[T2]' 
             *       when 'T1' has implicit conversation to 'T2', 
             *       but it should.
             *  C# Example: 
             *    int i = 10;
             *    double? d = 0.1;
             *    d = i;
            def st = <[ 
              if ($exprA != null) 
                $(upCast(typer.TypeExpr(<[ $exprA.Value ]>), tyB) : typed)
            WriteLine($"nullable: A0 -> B: $st");
            Message.FatalError ($"Operator `??' cannot be applied to "
                                "operands of type `$clA' and `$clB'");

      | (Some(Class(tiA, _)), Some(Class(_, _))) 
        when tiA.IsValueType =>

          Message.FatalError (exprA.Location, 
                              $"`$tiA' is not a reference or nullable type "
                              "as required by the `??' operator");

      | (Some(Class(_, _) as clA), Some(Class(_, _) as clB))
        when clA.Equals(clB) || OpImplicitHelper.HasImplicit(clB, clA) =>

           * ?BUG: This match case and next one can be replaced with single
           *       one, but followed by code doesn't compile. Is this a design
           *       decision or a bug? (C# compile such code with no problems)
           *  Example: 
           *    #pragma indent
           *    class A {}
           *    class B
           *      public static @:(_ : B) : A
           *        A()
           *    def a = A()
           *    def b = B()
           *    // expected B-, got A in computation branch:
           *    def c = if (a==null) b else a 
          def st = <[ 
            if ($exprA != null) 
              $(upCast(teB, tyA) : typed)
          WriteLine($"reference: B -> A: $st");

      | (Some(Class(_, _) as clA), Some(Class(_, _) as clB))
        when OpImplicitHelper.HasImplicit(clA, clB) =>

          def st = <[ 
            if ($exprA != null) 
              $(upCast(teA, tyB) : typed)
          WriteLine($"reference: A -> B: $st");

      | _ => 
          Message.FatalError ($"Operator `??' cannot be applied to "
                              "operands of type `$tyA' and `$tyB'");

В процессе написания понял, что в Nemerle работа с Nullable типами просто никакая. В коде макроса в комментах можно встретить баги Nullable типов, которые мне с ходу удалось обнаружить. Чуть позже все баги занесу в багтрэкер, но прежде хочу разобраться в ряде моментов, ибо есть стойкое ощущение, что чего-то я недопонимаю.

Итак, пример использования макроса, с комментариями проблем:
#pragma indent

using System.Console;
using Iae.Macro;

class C1
  public override ToString() : string
  public Test() : void

class C2
  public static @:(_ : C2) : C1
  public override ToString() : string

class CI
  public static @:(_ : CI) : int

def getType['t] (_ : 't)

def c1 = null : C1
def c2 = C2()
def r1 = c1 ?? c2 // (***)compile-time message: "reference: B -> A: if (c1 != null) c1; else (c2 : C1)"
def c1 = C1()
def t1 = getType(r1)
WriteLine($"TEST REFERENCE B -> A (result):  $r1")
WriteLine($"TEST REFERENCE B -> A (type):  $t1")
// run-time messages:
// TEST REFERENCE B -> A (result):  C2
// TEST REFERENCE B -> A (type):  C1

def r2 = c2 ?? c1 // compile-time message: "reference: A -> B: if (c2 != null) (c2 : C1); else c1"
def t2 = getType(r2)
WriteLine($"TEST REFERENCE A -> B (result):  $r2")
WriteLine($"TEST REFERENCE A -> B (type):  $t2")
// run-time messages:
// TEST REFERENCE B -> A (result):  C2
// TEST REFERENCE B -> A (type):  C1

def r0 = if (c1 == null) (c2 : C1) else c1 // собственно, тоже самое, что и в (***)
def t0 = getType(r0)
WriteLine($"TEST REFERENCE B -> A (result):  $r0")
WriteLine($"TEST REFERENCE B -> A (type):  $t0")
// run-time messages: выводит то, что ожидается в предыдущих случаях
// TEST REFERENCE B -> A (result):  C1
// TEST REFERENCE B -> A (type):  C1

def inull_v : int? = 10
def inull_n : int? = null
def r3 = inull_v ?? 1 // compile-time message: "nullable: B -> A0: if (inull_v != null) inull_v.Value; else (1 : int)"
def t3 = getType(r3)
WriteLine($"TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (result):  $r3")
WriteLine($"TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (type):  $t3")
// run-time messages:
// TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (result):  10
// TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (type):  System.Int32

def r4 = inull_n ?? 1 // compile-time message: "nullable: B -> A0: if (inull_n != null) inull_v.Value; else (1 : int)"
def t4 = getType(r4)
WriteLine($"TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (result):  $r4")
WriteLine($"TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (type):  $t4")
// run-time messages:
// TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (result):  1
// TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (type):  System.Int32

def r5 = test(inull_n) // это макрос, см. выше
def t5 = getType(r5)
WriteLine($"TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (result):  $r5")
WriteLine($"TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (type):  $t5")
// run-time messages:
// TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (result):  2
// TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (type):  System.Int32

def r5 = inull_n ?? CI() // compile-time message: "nullable: B -> A0: if (inull_n != null) inull_n.Value; else (CI () : int)"
// Compile-time exception:
//test.n:59:21:59:23: debug: Internal compiler error, please report a bug to bugs.nemerle.org. You can try modifying program near this location.
//error: internal compiler error: assertion failed in file ncc\generation\ILEmitter.n, line 801:
//_N_AutoModule::Main: failed to convert non-value type CI to a value type int
// .............

def r5 = if (inull_n != null) inull_n.Value; else (CI () : int)
def t5 = getType(r5)
WriteLine($"TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (result):  $r5")
WriteLine($"TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (type):  $t5")
// run-time messages:
// TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (result):  2
// TEST NULLABLE B -> A0 (type):  System.Int32

Вообщем сдается мне, что есть какие-то тонкости, о которых я пока не знаю... Может есть какие-то идеи, почему макрос отрабатывает не так как хотелось бы?
... << RSDN@Home 1.2.0 alpha rev. 655>>

30.01.07 18:10: Перенесено модератором из 'Декларативное программирование' — IT
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