Video sampling rate 90kHz. Зачем?
От: Sharov Россия  
Дата: 18.07.23 16:46

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Typically in video case there are 30 frames per second or 24 frames per second video. Lets consider a typical case, where sampling rate is 90kHz and fps is 30.

Then video RTP packet timestamp incremental value = 90kHz / 30 = 90,000Hz / 30 = 3000.
Hence each video RTP frame timestamp should be incremented by 3000.

In practice, one video frame may be sent as more than one RTP packet because of bigger size. Say one video frame you are sending as 3 RTP packets. For all these 3 RTP packets, you need to keep timestamp same. For next video frame you can increase RTP timestamp by 3000.

In certain cases, if you do not know fps, probably you need to go for system clock time and derive timestamp.

1) Зачем сэмплировать видео? Для синхронизации с аудио? В чем смысл?
2) Почему такая частота, а не скажем, 90Hz, чтобы шаг был 3? Не все ли равно какая частота сэмплирования?

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