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Дата: 12.07.20 00:08
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The actor told the court he believes that Heard, 34, was responsible for the defecation but under questioning admitted that it could have been her 'crass' trans activist friend iO Tillet Wright.

He arrived at Heard's birthday party on April 21, 2016 around two hours late after receiving some bad news about his financial affairs from his accountants and smoking cannabis to relieve his stress.

The Hollywood legend admitted that he went to bed to read a book after Heard's guests had gone and started arguing with her about his behaviour.

As the confrontation escalated, Heard claims that her ex-husband threw a magnum champagne bottle at her and shoved her to the floor several times before leaving a note reading 'Happy F***ing Birthday'.

Depp claims that Heard had been 'drinking heavily' and attacked him while he was reading in bed, punching him in the face four times before he grabbed her arms to stop her.

He says the next day Heard or one of her friends 'defecated' in their marital bed, and he believes Heard was responsible after she later told the building manager that it was 'just a harmless prank' — at which point Depp 'resolved' to divorce her.


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