От: FreshMeat Россия
Дата: 03.10.06 23:55

SearchMash — экспериментальный сайт, цель которого искать наилучшие решения в пользовательском интерфейсе.

Дэн Салливан задал несколько вопросов представителям Google, вот некоторые выдержки из ответов:

• SearchMash is an experimental search site operated by Google. The goal of SearchMash is to test innovative user interfaces in order to continually improve the overall search experience for our users.
• The site does not include Google branding to help us gather more objective data about user response to new interfaces.
• There is no guarantee that the features tested on SearchMash will be seen on Google search. As with all of our experiments, one of the main factors we will consider is user response to the feature and how well it addresses their needs.
• This site is only a test and has traffic limitations so may be unavailable at times.

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