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От: sergey2b ЮАР  
Дата: 07.03.24 20:42
сейчас набирает популярность 'Lazy girl job'

Judge defines a “lazy girl job” as a flexible remote position that's non-technical, high-paying and doesn't require extreme effort or difficult performance goals.

What is a lazy girl job salary?
But it shouldn't scare me, because here's the secret about Lazy Girl Jobs. Most of them require a college education and the salaries really aren't bad. Entry-level Lazy Girl Jobs pay 40 to 50K a year. These young women have simply decided it's not worth it to make an extra 30K to grind themselves into the ground.Aug 25, 2023

кратко по русский https://youtube.com/shorts/cE3TZHG_2wg?si=ziTnAAXEw91M4Ejb
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