C/C++: разработать NDIS 5 драйвер для Windows 2003/XP
От: NiJazz Австралия  
Дата: 22.10.20 00:52
Оценка: :))) :))

ниже идёт описание на английском, в двух словах, нужен NDIS 5 драйвер, который не будет делать ничего, кроме того, что задействует сам NDIS 5, зарегистрирует нужные коллбеки в ядре, сможет заполнить указанные внизу структуры и вовремя вызвать сопутствующие методы. Нужно разрешать или запрещать соединения/пакеты в зависимости от возвращаемого значения и следить за разрешёнными соединениями, фиксируя время начала и окончания, сколько байтов было передано в обоих направлениях, идентификатор и имя процесса и данные самого соединения. Нужно учитывать, было ли это состоявшееся соединение или лишь предпринятое.

Вознаграждение: $600
Просьба внимательно отнестись к Acceptance criteria.

Job description

Implement a Windows 2003/XP NDIS 5 driver that:

— can permit or deny TCP, UDP and ICMP connections according to a certain criteria
— can track connections and capture their start and end times and payload statistics (total bytes-in and bytes-out)

Skill requirements

— Solid programming background using C and/or C++ languages
— Experience developing NDIS 5 kernel drivers for Windows
— Microsoft toolsets: WDK, Visual Studio
— Driver troubleshooting and debugging skills


Consider following code blocks:

typedef enum _packet_direction {
} packet_direction;

typedef struct _Network_packet {
    int64_t     process_id;
    packet_direction direction;
    uint32_t    src_ip;
    uint32_t    dst_ip;
    uint16_t    src_port;
    uint16_t    port;
    uint16_t    proto;
    bool        discarded;
} Network_packet;

— fully and precisely initialise Network_packet structure and call policy_classify function (below). Please note that direction and discardedmembers are as important as others.
— discarded — means connection was attempted but not established. WFP, which came to replace NDIS, has layers for discarded traffic, FWPM_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4_DISCARD and FWPM_LAYER_OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4_DISCARD, you need to figure out such functionality in NDIS 5. In WFP, you register your call-backs for layers you need and that gives idea about packet direction.

typedef enum _firewall_action {
} firewall_action;

firewall_action policy_classify(const Network_packet* packet)
  switch (packet->proto) {
    case IPPROTO_TCP:
      return firewall_action_permit;
    case IPPROTO_UDP:
    case IPPROTO_ICMP:
      retutn firewall_action_deny;
      return firewall_action_deny;      

— Interpret action returned by policy_classify function accordingly and make NDIS 5 engine block and permit connection. For example, we can assume that policy_classify will block all non-TCP traffic and allow TCP only.
— When connections are closed driver must populate Connection_info structure which includes original packet and extra fields describing connection times and byte stats.

typedef struct _Connection_info {
    struct Network_packet packet;
    int64_t                bytes_in;
    int64_t                bytes_out;
    int64_t                time_start;
    int64_t                time_end;
    wchar_t                process_name[64];  
} Connection_info;

— process_nameis name of the process that sends or receives the packet
— when connection is created/started Connection_info instance is allocated, time_start (current UTC time in milliseconds) and process_name values are assigned
— while tracking the connection driver must maintain bytes_in and bytes_out values
— when connection is closed driver set time_end value using system time milliseconds (UTC)

void connection_add(struct Connection_info* conn_info)
  assert(conn_info!= NULL);

Acceptance criteria

We will only accept your work if the driver complies the following requirements:
— compiles with Visual Studio 2019 or WDK 7.1 toolset
— has comprehensive step-by-step guide about how to build and deploy the driver
— populates Network_packet fully and properly using NDIS structures
— considers policy_classify return value to permit or deny connections
— tracks connections and calls connection_add with properly populated Connection_info structure (original packet, start and end times, bytes in, bytes out and process name)
— clear and well-commented code structure that contains references to online documentation about used APIs and data structures
ndis driver network drivers c++ c windows kernel ядро драйвер
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