ищу удаленную работу (.NET ASP.NET WinForms MSSQL MySQL etc)
От: warc  
Дата: 08.06.06 09:13
Коротко о себе:

Programming languages: C#, SQL
Libraries: .NET Framework

Database access technologies: ADO.NET;

Database: MS SQL Server, Access, MySQL;

Technology and libraries: WinForms, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Remoting, Reflection, XML, XPath, Web services, Sockets, Setup Projects, Web Setup Projects. Experience in distributed applications development using Remoting technologies and web-services as well as experience in crossplatform .NET applications (web services for Microsoft .NET Framework + IIS + MS SQL and mono + apache + MySQL platforms). Experience in SMTP server development, message sorting and handling.

OOD: A good background in object-oriented design and programming, design patterns, UML, test driven development.

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