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Embeding an. exe inside a delphi project

Asked today
Active today
Viewed 4 times

I have a Delphi 7 legacy project. I want to embed a proprietary .exe, which the company that has provided the proprietary .exe wants me to hide so that the proprietary .exe cannot be used anywhere else. Let me know if this is possible and how to proceed ?


If the company would provide a proprietary DLL instead of an EXE, you could try loading that from memory (e.g. with github.com/Fr0sT-Brutal/Delphi_MemoryModule). I don't know if something similar exists for EXEs. Or they could provide object files you could link (which is probably much more difficult). –
Uli Gerhardt
8 mins ago

Yes the company has provided me a library with some c code. the library code starts a server and then waits for data ,it also opens a web browser. I have wrapped the code in c++ Dll using visual studio 2015. I am using the dll in the delphi7 application.i can make the calls to the dll. The dll returns the server is started. But i am unable to see if any activity in my browser and also the browser does not automatically start like in the c++ code. How do i debug the dll and is there any limitation that the dll cannot start a application like web browser? –
3 mins ago

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