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От: BArt  
Дата: 16.09.04 13:24
Люблю иногда послушать Pet Shop Boys, душевно поют, новые песни, конечно, уже не то, но захожу иногда к ним на сайт посмотреть чего новенького выпустили. И вот, наткнулся:

Commissioned by the ICA, Pet Shop Boys will perform live their new soundtrack, to Eisenstein's classic film Battleship Potemkin (1925).

This extraordinary event will take place in Trafalgar Square, the home of political dissent in Britain. The film will be projected on a giant screen and Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, accompanied by the 26-strong Dresdner Sinfoniker string orchestra, will be playing live on stage. Due to its politics, Eisenstein's film was not given a certificate for many years in Britain. This event will remake the film for the present, letting artforms collide and mixing art and politics. Orchestrations by Torsten Rasch, art direction by Simon McBurney, Complicite. This event is presented in association with Capgemini and Baltika Russian beer. This is a free, unticketed event, without seating.

Baltica Russian Beer
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