Where To Put Your Aministrator Rights
От: Aggtaa Россия  
Дата: 16.07.04 08:05
Оценка: :)))
Вот такое вот сегодня пришло в поддержку...

Today I bought <название продукта>

This evening I haplessly tried to install it.

Rather than the thing installing easily, as it should have, I got this annoying little message:

"You are not logged into an account with Administrator rights. Please install <название продукта> from an Administrator enabled account."

Since I am the only one that uses this damn computer, who the hell do you think IS the administrator? And how can I prove my bona fides to satisfy your magical piece of software?

I'd like to "enable" the blithering twit that wrote your phenomenally helpful "User Manual" which happens to be as useful as a Clinton at a marriage encounter weekend.

Do you have anybody there that can get this glorious piece of stuff installed and perhaps even running?

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