Стань специалистом по С++ за пару минут *
От: PM  
Дата: 18.07.15 14:28
Оценка: :)
Прокачай свой профиль на Github: https://github.com/avinassh/rockstar

Rockstar is one amazing library, which will make you a Rockstar Programmer in just 2 minutes. In last decade, people learned C++ in 21 days. But these days, it has come down to just 10 minutes. But, I wanted to do better.

This repo will not only teach you Complete C++ in just 2 minutes, also makes Open Source Contributions. You see, Open Source contributions are very important these days, especially if you can get those boxes filled with green on your Github profile. As an efficient programmer, I believe in killing two birds in just one shot.

Run Rockstar, be a Rockstar, show off your Github profile to everyone and bag those $200K programmer jobs. Once you become a Rockstar, every recruiter will want to hire you and there is no turning back.

* Доступно и для других языков
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