Nigerian mails - new look
От: Аноним  
Дата: 23.02.05 14:24
Оценка: :))) :))) :))
Dear Friend,

I am Lagutin Yuriy and I represent Mr. Mikhail Khordokovsky the former
C.E.O of Yukos Oil Company in Russia. I have a very sensitive and
confidential brief from this top (Oligarch) to ask for your
partnership in re-profiling funds over US$450 million. I will give the
details, but in summary, the funds are coming via Bank Menatep. This
is a legitimate transaction. You will be paid 4% for your "Management

If you are interested, please write back by email and provide me with
your confidential telephone number, fax number and email address and I

PS: come with spam
Re: Nigerian mails - new look
От: labadiena  
Дата: 23.02.05 14:52
Nigerian scam По Русски
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