Re[11]: VA vs IPS - 2023 для игр
От: korvin_  
Дата: 25.07.23 18:01
Здравствуйте, _ilya_, Вы писали:

__>А цвета — шик, блеск, красота — даже из коробки норм

Не норм. White Balance dE 4.74 — ужас.

__>а после калибровки там близко к идеальному

Не близко

but the brightest whites still show errors, and the TV's gamma is off from the reference target of 2.2 for a moderately lit room.

Ну и

The TV's viewing angle is inadequate. There's significant color and hue shifting as you move off-center, and the image looks increasingly washed out as you move further away to the sides. This isn't a good choice for wide seating arrangements.

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