История по американски
От: Кирпа В.А. Украина  
Дата: 21.04.06 07:10
Оценка: -1 :))) :)))
Из переписки с американскими коллегами

We have following Holydays in May:
1st and 2nd of May – May Day
9th of May – Victory day
Ukraine team will be unavailable on these days.
Also I want to remind all, that Ukraine team will be unavailable on Monday, April 24 due to Orthodox Easter

Thanks for the info!
But we don't celebrate the German surrender in the U.S. I doubt even 1% of Americans would know that Germany even surrendered in the month of May. If we did celebrate it, we'd call it VE Day (Victory in Europe)...that's what Americans called in back in 1945.
We were still of course fighting the war thru August 1945. When Japan surrendered, we called that VJ Day (Victory over Japan). And I doubt more than 10% of Americans would know we beat the Japanese in August.
There's no national holiday for this stuff in the US...and my officemate (from Poland) says there's no national holidays in western Europe for this stuff.
Yes, yes, I know the USSR 'beat' Japan too...at least in their opinion. But the USSR only declared war on Japan in the last months of the war to grab some Japanese territory (like Sakhalin island). But we don't really look at that as really fighting the Japanese....just Soviet Propaganda — Pravda!
Enjoy your days off, you deserve them.

21.04.06 16:26: Перенесено из 'Коллеги, улыбнитесь'
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