да будь я хоть негром преклонных годов..
От: nikkit  
Дата: 24.12.22 17:29
Оценка: :)

As for amounts, the Guardian cited one attendee at the taskforce meeting who put the number at $350,000 per person: "Max Fennell, a 35-year-old coffee company owner, said every person should get $350,000 in compensation to close the racial wealth gap and Black-owned businesses should receive $250,000, which would help them to flourish."

He added, "It’s a debt that’s owed, we worked for free. We’re not asking; we’re telling you."

The task force's economic consultant team estimated California would pay $223,200 per person in early December.


глядишь и велосипеды воровать перестанут ))
Отредактировано 24.12.2022 17:30 nikkit . Предыдущая версия .
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