Новости с того света (из чёрной дыры)
От: Философ Ад http://vk.com/id10256428
Дата: 27.01.20 02:58
Оценка: +1 :))

A mother who saved her children from a house fire in Onsong County, North Hamgyong Province, is currently under investigation by the Ministry of State Security (MSS) for failing to save Kim family portraits from the fire.

Sources in the area told Daily NK on Dec. 30 that the fire broke out in a house where two families lived. The children were at home and their parents were out when the fire started. The mothers of the children ran back to the house to try and save their children when they heard about the fire.

In the midst of all the chaos in trying to save her children from the flames, one of the mothers was unable to save the portraits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. Daily NK sources said that she is currently under investigation by the MSS for failing to save the portraits.
Daily NK sources said that the mother under investigation by the MSS has been unable to care for her children at the hospital. Both of her children need antibiotics to treat their burns but she has been unable to obtain them because of the investigation.

Although neighbors of the family want to help the mother by covering the cost of her children’s medicine, they are wary to do so because they don’t know if she will be charged with a political offense.

“The mother will be able to focus on caring for her children once the authorities end their investigation,” one of the sources told Daily NK.


Если это правда, можете считать меня либерастом. Потому что, я тут почти всё понимаю: и Кимов, и партийных деятелей которые пытаются власть сохранить, даже военных начальников — они статус кво пытаются сохранить, и веру множества людей в святость Партии и Кимов — им долго и тщательно промывали мозги... Но это — то, что делают представители власти на местах для меня непостижимо.

Почему либарастом? Потому что, я считаю, что человеческая жизнь должна быть возведена в абсолют — её ценность должна быть закреплена законодательно, как высшая ценность (выше чем остальные законы и уж явно выше ценности партии). Это ведь вроде либарльные ценносит?

Вот тут, кстати, про конституцию:

While typical constitutions generally focus on forestalling abuses of power by national leaders and governments, the North Korean constitution only exists to ensure that nothing will interfere with the Kim family’s dictatorship.

It doesn’t acknowledge the concept of “basic rights” for human beings or provide any rights to individuals who protest or oppose the leadership or the state. The only rights recognized are those of the “Suryong” – the leader.

Countries that adhere to the rule of law have their governments’ authority restricted due to the autonomy of the law and its precedence over everything else. North Korea’s constitution, however, has simply become a tool for the state to maintain absolute power and wield limitless authority.


ЗЫ: что бы мы делали без Северной Кореи!? Они ведь нам показывают, как не надо...
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