Британские скрепы
От: Skorodum Россия  
Дата: 06.08.19 10:58
Требования от нового главы британской думы:

The new Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg has instructed all staff in his new office to use imperial measurements and refer to ‘non-titled males’ as ‘esquire’.
Issuing a style guide in the first week of his job, he also bans colleagues from using various words in correspondence with other MPs and the public.
Among the list of bizarre rules, he asks staff not to use the words “got”, “very” or “equal”.

Предтавьте, если бы какой-нибудь Володин требовал в госдуме использовать сажени, аршины, сословные наименования и т.п.
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