Pussy Riot в Пенсильвании
От: Берсерк СССР  
Дата: 13.09.14 14:31
Оценка: 3 (3) +4
Подростку грозит два годы тюрьмы за неприличное фото со статуей:

EVERETT, Pennsylvania (KRON) — A Pennsylvania teenager is facing criminal charges after posting pictures to Facebook of him simulating a sex act with a statue of Jesus.

The young man posted that he took the pictures in late July at the statue of a kneeling Jesus in front of the “Love in the Name of Christ” Christian organization in his hometown of Everett.

The criminal charge, which will be heard in family court, consists of “Desecration of a Venerated Object.”
Pennsylvania law defines desecration as “Defacing, damaging, polluting or otherwise, physically mistreating in a way that the actor knows will outrage the sensibilities of persons likely to observe or discover the action.”

The teen, whose name has not been released, could face up to two years in a juvenile jail if convicted.


А я то думал такое только в России возможно. Надеюсь Абалак не даст заткнуть рот свободе слова.
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Отредактировано 13.09.2014 14:32 Берсерк . Предыдущая версия .
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