Порошенко: Украина через 10-11 лет может стать членом ЕС
От: Берсерк СССР  
Дата: 31.03.14 09:08
Оценка: :))) :)
Один из лидеров рейтинга кандидатов в президенты Украины:

Украина может стать членом Евросоюза в 2025 году. Такое мнение высказал нардеп, кандидат в президенты Украины Петр Порошенко, пишет "Униан". "Я не имею никаких сомнений, что через 10-11 лет, скажем, в 2025 году Украина может стать членом Европейского Союза", — сказал Порошенко.


Тем временем:

Turkey's application to accede to the European Economic Community, a predecessor of the European Union (EU), was made on 14 April 1987. Turkey has been an associate member since 1963.[2] After the ten founding members, Turkey was one of the first countries to become a member of the Council of Europe in 1949, and was also a founding member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1961[3] and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in 1973. The country has also been an associate member of the Western European Union since 1992, and is a part of the "Western Europe" branch of the Western European and Others Group (WEOG) at the United Nations. Turkey signed a Customs Union agreement with the EU in 1995 and was officially recognised as a candidate for full membership on 12 December 1999, at the Helsinki summit of the European Council. Negotiations were started on 3 October 2005, and the process, should it be in Turkey's favour, is likely to take at least a decade to complete.[4] The membership bid has become a major controversy of the ongoing enlargement of the European Union.[5]


Турция почти 20 лет как оффициальный кандидат на вступление. Украину ещё даже кандидатом никто приглашать не хочет, а Порошенко говорит про 10 лет

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