U.S. agents can seize travelers' laptops - Что за бред
От: tau  
Дата: 01.08.08 17:05
Оценка: -1
Теперь помимо сдачи отпечатков при вьезде в США, нужно всю микроэлектронику (плееры, ноуты, телефоны, фотоаппараты) дома оставлять чтобы не конфисковали на unspecified period?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — U.S. federal agents have been given new powers to seize travelers' laptops and other electronic devices at the border and hold them for unspecified periods the Washington Post reported on Friday.
Under recently disclosed Department of Homeland Security policies, such seizures may be carried out without suspicion of wrongdoing, the newspaper said, quoting policies issued on July 16 by two DHS agencies.
Agents are empowered to share the contents of seized computers with other agencies and private entities for data decryption and other reasons, the newspaper said.
DHS officials said the policies applied to anyone entering the country, including U.S. citizens, and were needed to prevent terrorism.

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