Не шмогла. Думала минут 10, кстати.
// We use __COUNTER__ to generate a unique integral at each instantiation
template<typename T>
struct first_call {
static constexpr int value = __COUNTER__;
template<typename T, int N = __COUNTER__>
struct tick_count {
static constexpr int value = N - first_call<T>::value - 1;
template<typename T>
constexpr int ct_tick = tick_count<T>::value;
template<typename T>
constexpr int ct_peek = ct_tick<T> + 1;
На gcc не работает. Сейчас попробую ему сказать про это.
Со второго раза тоже не получилось, вообще какая-то ахинея пошла. Суровые сибирские лесорубы могут спать спокойно.
template<typename T> struct counter {
friend constexpr int adl_counter(counter<T>);
template<typename T, int N>
struct write {
friend constexpr int adl_counter(counter<T>) { return N; }
template<typename T>
constexpr int read() {
// If no specialization has been made yet, adl_counter is not defined and we default to 0
// by using a conditional expression with a fallback.
// We use SFINAE on a lambda to check if adl_counter is valid.
auto lambda = []() -> int {
return adl_counter(counter<T>());
struct fallback { static constexpr int value = 0; };
struct tester {
template<typename U>
static auto test(int) -> decltype(adl_counter(counter<U>()), std::true_type{});
static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
if constexpr (decltype(tester::template test<T>(0))::value)
return lambda();
return 0;
template<typename T>
constexpr int increment() {
// Increment the counter for T by writing a new friend definition
write<T, read<T>() + 1>();
return read<T>();
template<typename T>
constexpr int ct_tick = increment<T>() - 1; // tick returns the previous value
template<typename T>
constexpr int ct_peek = read<T>() + 1; // peek shows what the next tick would be
int main()
static_assert(ct_tick<int> == 0);
static_assert(ct_tick<class X> == 0);
static_assert(ct_tick<void> == 0);
struct Inner
static_assert(ct_tick<int> == 1);
static_assert(ct_tick<class X> == 1);
static_assert(ct_tick<void> == 1);
static_assert(ct_peek<int> == 2);
static_assert(ct_peek<class X> == 2);
static_assert(ct_peek<void> == 2);
static_assert(ct_tick<int> == 2);
static_assert(ct_tick<class X> == 2);
static_assert(ct_tick<void> == 2);
static_assert(ct_tick<int> == 3);
static_assert(ct_tick<class X> == 3);
static_assert(ct_tick<void> == 3);