От: | vdimas | ||
Дата: | 26.08.24 21:39 | ||
Оценка: |
if (x * y) 100, 200, 300
if (e < 0) goto 100
if (e == 0) goto 200
goto 300
if (x * y < 0) y = 1
if (a == 0) then
else if (a < 0) then
b = 0
b = b + a
end if
b = (a > 0.0 ? a : 0.0)
call some_sub(a > 0 ? a : b > 0 ? b : c)
subroutine some_sub(x)
real, intent(inout) :: x
select case (grade)
case ('A')
print *, 'Excellent!'
case ('B', 'C')
print *, 'Well done'
case default
print *, 'Invalid grade'
end select
select case (marks)
case (91:100)
print *, 'Excellent!'
case (81:90)
print *, 'Very good!'
case (71:80)
print *, 'Well done!'
case (:40)
print *, 'Better try again!'
case default
print *, 'Invalid marks'
end select
type :: vec_type
real :: x, y
end type vec_type
type, extends(vec_type) :: vec3_type
real :: z
end type vec3_type
type, extends(vec3_type) :: color_type
integer :: color
end type color_type
type(vec_type), target :: v
type(vec3_type), target :: v3
type(color_type), target :: c
class(vec_type), pointer :: ptr
v = vec_type(1.0, 2.0)
v3 = vec3_type(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
c = color_type(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 9)
! Point to either v, v3, or c:
ptr => c
select type (a => ptr)
class is (vec_type)
print *, a%x, a%y
type is (vec3_type)
print *, a%x, a%y, a%z
type is (color_type)
print *, a%x, a%y, a%z, a%color
end select
integer :: values(10) = [ (i * 2, integer :: i = 1, 10) ]
integer :: i
real :: a(100)
do concurrent (i = 1:size(a))
a(i) = sqrt(i**i)
end do
integer :: i
real :: a, x(n)
a = 0.
do concurrent (i = 1:n) reduce(+:a)
a = a + x(i)**2
end do
enumeration type :: colour
enumerator :: red, orange, green
end type
type(colour) light
if (light==red) ...
An enumerator may be accessed as an ‘enumeration constructor’ through its position in the type
declaration. For example colour(2) has the value orange. This allows the enumerators to be
accessed in a do loop such as:
do i = 1,3 light = colour(i) : end do select case (light) case (red) : case (orange:green) : end select
enum, bind(c) :: season
enumerator :: spring=5, summer=7, autumn, winter
end enum
type(season) my_season, your_season
my_season = spring
your_season = autumn+1 ! winter
! usleep.f90
module posix
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
public :: c_usleep
! int usleep(useconds_t useconds)
function c_usleep(useconds) bind(c, name='usleep')
import :: c_int, c_int32_t
implicit none
integer(kind=c_int32_t), value :: useconds
integer(kind=c_int) :: c_usleep
end function c_usleep
end interface
end module posix
program main
use :: posix
integer :: i, rc, t
t = 500 * 1000 ! 500 milliseconds
do i = 1, 10
print '("zzz ...")'
rc = c_usleep(t)
end do
end program main
! unicode.f90
program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ucs2 = selected_char_kind('ISO_10646')
character(kind=ucs2, len=:), allocatable :: str
str = ucs2_'Unicode character: \u263B'
open (output_unit, encoding='utf-8')
print '(a)', str
end program main