Re[17]: Одиночка против корпораций
От: Ночной Смотрящий Россия  
Дата: 06.12.18 07:41
Оценка: -2 :))
Здравствуйте, CodeMonkey, Вы писали:

НС>>Не пользуйся русской википедией. Почитай английскую. Он сам себя считай убил.

CM>Ты несешь даже еще больше чуши, чем обычно.

Перешел на личности — слил.


CM>Semmelweis could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings, and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it. In 1865, Semmelweis suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum, where he died at age 47 of pyaemia, after being beaten by the guards, only 14 days after he was committed.

Дальше первых абзацев дело не пошло?

Beginning in 1861, Semmelweis suffered from various nervous complaints. He suffered from severe depression and became absentminded. Paintings from 1857 to 1864 show a progression of aging.[M] He turned every conversation to the topic of childbed fever.

After a number of unfavorable foreign reviews of his 1861 book, Semmelweis lashed out against his critics in a series of Open Letters.[N] They were addressed to various prominent European obstetricians, including Spath, Scanzoni, Siebold, and to "all obstetricians". They were full of bitterness, desperation, and fury and were "highly polemical and superlatively offensive",[57] at times denouncing his critics as irresponsible murderers[58] or ignoramuses.[59] He also called upon Siebold to arrange a meeting of German obstetricians somewhere in Germany to provide a forum for discussions on puerperal fever, where he would stay "until all have been converted to his theory."[51]

In mid-1865, his public behaviour became irritating and embarrassing to his associates. He also began to drink immoderately; he spent progressively more time away from his family, sometimes in the company of a prostitute; and his wife noticed changes in his sexual behavior. On July 13, 1865, the Semmelweis family visited friends, and during the visit Semmelweis's behavior seemed particularly inappropriate.[60]

The exact nature of Semmelweis's affliction has been a subject of some debate. According to K Codell Carter, in his biography of Semmelweis, the exact nature of his affliction cannot be determined:

It is impossible to appraise the nature of Semmelweis's disorder. ... It may have been Alzheimer's disease, a type of dementia, which is associated with rapid cognitive decline and mood changes.[61] It may have been third-stage syphilis, a then-common disease of obstetricians who examined thousands of women at gratis institutions, or it may have been emotional exhaustion from overwork and stress.[62]

Re[18]: Одиночка против корпораций
От: CodeMonkey  
Дата: 06.12.18 15:57
Оценка: +1
Здравствуйте, Ночной Смотрящий, Вы писали:

НС>Перешел на личности — слил.

Так выходит, чушь — это часть твоей "личности"?

НС>Дальше первых абзацев дело не пошло?

Ну если он запил с горя — то это, несомненно, отличная причина, чтобы забить его до смерти. Сам напросился, мерзавец!
Подождите ...
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