Сложность и венда
От: Sharov Россия  
Дата: 29.09.18 16:49
Оценка: 2 (2) +2

Quora подсунула в подборке интересный вопрос об яп и исходниках венды. Среди прочего интересная статистика по исходникам.

As a side note, what most people don’t realize is the sheer size of Windows: this is a gigantic project of truly epic proportions.

The full source tree with all the code, test code and everything that together constitutes the “Windows source code” is more than a half terabyte in size, in more than 1.5 million files. You can spend a year (seriously) just drilling down the source tree, a couple of hundreds of thousands of folders containing the code for every component making up the OS workstation and server products and all their editions, and see what’s in there, read the file names and try to figure out what does what. It would take a life (or two) to read it all.

One one occasion, I left a Git branch stall for a few weeks and, when I got back to it, it was behind by almost 60,000 commits. I think one can argue that a single person cannot possibly read all the code that is added to Windows every day, let alone read what was written during the past thirty years!

Back to our topic, if you look at a Windows 10 “DVD” and consider what programming languages were used to create everything that’s on that disk, my guess is that 98% of it would be C and C++, with C getting the lion’s share.

Цифры, конечно, впечатляют -- 1.5 миллиона файлов, 60000 коммитов за пару недель. Тут безусловно, главная, а возможно и единственная, сложность в организации этого процесса. Вот это как раз и будет rocket science.
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