На линукс по крайн. мере NSA не устанавливает бэкдоры
От: mizuchi Земля  
Дата: 25.04.17 01:35
Оценка: :)
телемтрия — она просто телеметрия, как говорят тут, для вашего же блага. ладно, тогда так:

Thousands of Microsoft Windows machines worldwide are infected with an NSA-developed backdoor that hackers installed by reusing leaked executable code from an outdated hacking toolkit belonging to the spy agency, multiple security researchers tell CyberScoop.


Re: На линукс по крайн. мере NSA не устанавливает бэкдоры
От: Ops Россия  
Дата: 25.04.17 02:16
Здравствуйте, mizuchi, Вы писали:


Shodan has currently indexed more than 2 million IPs running a public SMB service on port 445

Microsoft has analyzed the latest dump and identified a dozen exploits targeting its Windows operating system. According to the company, some of the vulnerabilities leveraged by these exploits were patched back in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2014.
Four of the exploits, dubbed EternalBlue, EternalChampion, EternalRomance and EternalSynergy, were addressed by Microsoft with the March 2017 security updates — a majority with the MS17-010 patch. The tech giant also pointed out that the remaining exploits do not work on Windows 7 and later, or Exchange 2010 and later.

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