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От: Ikemefula Беларусь http://blogs.rsdn.org/ikemefula
Дата: 16.09.11 08:30


Around the world, tablet shipments were up nearly 90% year-to-date and nearly 304% year-on-year, topping out at 13.6 million units, says IDC. The greater-than-expected growth prompted the intelligence provider to boost its global tablet sales projections for the second half of 2011 to 62.5 million units, up from 53.5 million units. IDC attributes surging global tablet sales to "robust demand" for the iPad 2 (no surprise), noting the iPad 2 shipped 9.3 million units in Q2 2011.

What's next? Expect further erosion of Android's tablet market share (IDC says it'll drop to just 23%), but that things should pick up in the fourth quarter, allowing Android to regain a few points and land near 26%. Complicating matters: HP's orphaned TouchPad, which customers scooped up in droves when HP dropped the price to just $99 on August 18, less than seven weeks after the webOS-based tablet debuted. IDC says it expects "close to a million TouchPads to ship into the channel before the end of the year," raising webOS's market share to a respectable 4.7% in 3Q 2011 (though IDC says it'll be back to zero by early next year).

А еще совсем недавно было: "Не знаю что ты увидел на схеме, я увидел что доля Андроида зп год выросла в 10 раз"

Итого: Ведроид начал теснить иПад но не в том направлении Вобщем, гранаты оказались не той системы.
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