MySQL и качество
От: avpavlov  
Дата: 17.06.09 14:42
Оценка: 1 (1) :))
Думал в БД отправить, но потом всё-таки решил сюда

Цитата отсюда

We have changed the release model so that instead of focusing on quality and features our release is now defined by timeliness and features. Quality is not regarded to be that important. To quote Mårten Mickos: "MySQL 5.1 will be release as GA in or before December because I say so". Mårten's reasons for this is that he needs something he can sell and a release marked "GA" is much easier to sell than a release marked "RC".
— Michael Widenius , Oops, we did it again (MySQL 5.1 released as GA with crashing bugs)

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