Re[3]: .NET 5.0, EF6, DependencyInjection и асинхронный WebAPI
От: B7_Ruslan  
Дата: 17.09.20 05:10
Здравствуйте, Yuri Abele, Вы писали:

YA>var entityOne = this.DbContext.EntiesOne.SingleAsync(e1 => e1 == 123);

YA>var entitiesTwo = this.DbContext.EntiesTwo.Where(e2 => e2.Abcd == entityOne.Abcd).ToListAsync();

У вас именно так написано или все таки стоит await:

var entityOne = await this.DbContext.EntiesOne.SingleAsync(e1 => e1 == 123);
var entitiesTwo = await this.DbContext.EntiesTwo.Where(e2 => e2.Abcd == entityOne.Abcd).ToListAsync();

Из справки:
Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure
that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context.
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