Open-source library guidance
От: Qbit86 Кипр
Дата: 26.10.18 13:10
Оценка: 14 (4)
Microsoft недавно выпустила рекомендации по созданию .NET-библиотек:

✔️ DO include a netstandard2.0 target if you require a netstandard1.x target.
✔️ CONSIDER adding a target for net461 when you're offering a netstandard2.0 target.
✔️ CONSIDER adding the strong naming key to your source control system.
✔️ CONSIDER incrementing the assembly version on only major version changes to help users reduce binding redirects, and how often they're updated.
✔️ CONSIDER embedding symbol files in the main NuGet package.
✔️ DO reference shared source packages with PrivateAssets="All".
✔️ CONSIDER testing packages in your development environment using a local feed or MyGet. Check the package works then publish it to
✔️ CONSIDER only including a major version in the AssemblyVersion.
❌ AVOID setting the assembly informational version yourself.
✔️ CONSIDER using abstract base classes instead of interfaces.
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