The Past, Present, and Future of C# by Eric Lippert
От: Nikkk2010  
Дата: 06.02.14 02:03
Оценка: 1 (1)

C# is a widely-used, mature, general-purpose programming language with millions of professional developers worldwide, but it was not always so. In this article I’m going to take a brief chronological look at the past, present and future of the C# language.

For many years Microsoft has been re-architecting the C# (and Visual Basic) compiler into a “compiler as a service”, known by the code name “Roslyn”. Microsoft will soon provide the lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis engines used by the compiler and Visual Studio IDE as documented, supported libraries for the first time. This will have two major effects.

First, the general availability of the same libraries used by Microsoft to analyze C# will greatly lower the costs to third parties wishing to build analysis tools. Third party analysis tools that help developers understand, explore, maintain, organize, annotate, document, refactor and debug C# code will proliferate. C# developers love tools that help them make their code better.

Second, the new underlying architecture will make it much easier for Microsoft to innovate in the language. We should expect that C# will continue to evolve over the next few releases.

I do all my own stunts
Re: The Past, Present, and Future of C# by Eric Lippert
От: fddima  
Дата: 08.02.14 04:10
Оценка: +2
Здравствуйте, Nikkk2010, Вы писали:

Это всё безусловно интересно. Только народу интересны фичи которые есть, например в Nemerle. От паттерн-матчингда до вменяемых "макросов". Это всё то, чего Розлин не даёт. Розлин вообще нифига не даёт интересного. Фичастые фички к студии? Ну это не для программистов. Компилятор должен быть компилятором. В плане и in-compile-time. Если даже для C++ озадачились о in-compile-time рефликсии — то в шарпе это могло бы быть так же самого хрен знает когда, только раньше на 5 лет. Увы.
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