XBAP deployment
От: vensub Украина  
Дата: 02.08.10 10:55
Добрый день,
Нужно ли подписывать full-trust XBAP StrongName-ом или достаточно подписать манифест сертификатом для удостоверения подлинности?
В мсдн WPF XAML Browser Applications Overview сказано только про сертификат:
"It is recommended that you use the ClickOnce Trusted Deployment model for deploying a full-trust XBAP. This model allows your XBAP to be granted full trust automatically, regardless of the security zone, so that the user is not prompted. As part of this model, you must sign your application with a certificate from a trusted publisher. For more information, see Trusted Application Deployment Overview and Introduction to Code Signing."
xbap deployment
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