Re: WCF - The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authe
От: Аноним  
Дата: 19.12.09 00:16
Здравствуйте, RendeRR, Вы писали:

RRR>Такая ошибка:


RRR>The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Basic'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Basic realm="pc"'.

Где хостится служба? Под IIS?
Вот тут есть спец пометка для этого случая:

When a WCF service is hosted in Internet Information Services (IIS) using transport-level security and the UserNamePasswordValidationMode property is set to Custom, the custom authentication scheme uses a subset of Windows authentication. That is because in this scenario, IIS performs Windows authentication prior to WCF invoking the custom authenticator.

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