[ANN] Axum 0.2.0 Released
От: Sorantis Швеция  
Дата: 24.06.09 12:52
Оценка: 4 (1)

* Added an installer for Visual Studio 2010 Beta1
* Enabled parallel execution of functional nodes in dataflow networks
* Made it possible to change fonts and colors of Axum language elements via Tools | Options | Fonts and Colors
* Moved samples to a zip file to make using them easier
* Introduced AxumLite.zip – an Axum command line compiler that doesn't require Visual Studio
* Fixed the compiler error where the channel name was the same as the enclosing namespace name
* Made handling of immutable primitive types more rigorous; fixed some side-effect related bugs
* Added 'using System.Concurrency.Messaging' to the VS-generated template to make classes like OrderedInteractionPoint visible by default
* Added the async method Microsoft.Axum.IO.Console.ReadLine
* Added a spiffy Auction sample (A big shout out to Matthew Podwysocki for his help!)


Axum Lite
As long as there is life, there is hope
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