Чем отличается
От: LaptevVV Россия  
Дата: 04.09.19 18:04
Читаю отчет Standish Group/
И вижу такой абзац:

We have multiple defnitions, including our newest.
We coded the new CHAOS database with six individual attributes of success:
OnTime, OnBudget, OnTarget, OnGoal, Value, and Satisfaction.

Our Traditional defnition is OnTime, OnBudget, and OnTarget.
This means the project was resolved within a reasonable estimated time,
stayed within budget, and contained a good number of the estimated features and functions.

Our new Modern defnition is OnTime,OnBudget, with a satisfactory result.
This means the project was resolved within a reasonable estimated time, stayed within
budget, and delivered customer and user satisfaction regardless of the original scope.

We have the fexibility to present the results for one to six of these attributes in any combination.

Чем отличается показатели OnTarget и OnGoal ?
Цель поставленная и цель достигнутая?
Цель заявленная и цель желаемая?
Хочешь быть счастливым — будь им!
Без булдырабыз!!!
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