Как перевести "cross-cutting concerns"?
От: skodnik  
Дата: 13.09.10 07:10

Interception is a design pattern that is designed for cross-cutting concerns, issues that cut across the entire software. Unity provides support for interception through the Interception container extension.

Re: Как перевести "cross-cutting concerns"?
От: Кодт Россия  
Дата: 13.09.10 08:54
Оценка: 3 (1)
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S>Interception is a design pattern that is designed for cross-cutting concerns, issues that cut across the entire software. Unity provides support for interception through the Interception container extension.

"Перехват — шаблон проектирования, созданный для решения сквозных проблем, пронизывающих всю программу".
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