Service Layer pattern forms
От: Аноним  
Дата: 26.07.11 02:15
Добрый день, читаю: Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

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Implementation Variations
The two basic implementation variations are the domain facade approach and the operation script approach. In the domain facade approach a Service Layer is implemented as a set of thin facades over a Domain Model (116). The classes implementing the facades don't implement any business logic. Rather, the Domain Model (116) implements all of the business logic. The thin facades establish a boundary and set of operations through which client layers interact with the application, exhibiting the defining characteristics of Service Layer.

In the operation script approach a Service Layer is implemented as a set of thicker classes that directly implement application logic but delegate to encapsulated domain object classes for domain logic. The operations available to clients of a Service Layer are implemented as scripts, organized several to a class defining a subject area of related logic. Each such class forms an application "service," and it's common for service type names to end with "Service." A Service Layer is comprised of these application service classes, which should extend a Layer Supertype (475), abstracting their responsibilities and common behaviors.

Точнее, второй абзац описан в примере, в этой же книге. Но без кода не понятно, как же реализовать "the domain facade approach"
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