Re[5]: from C to delphi
От: randydom  
Дата: 17.10.09 17:24
Здравствуйте, wallaby, Вы писали:

W>Здравствуйте, randydom, Вы писали:

R>>I DID it but i get an Exception :

R>>Scanner : Error replying message .Error = 0x800703E6

W>That is not an exception, that is function return error value: Invalid access to memory location.

W>Maybe wrong function prototype again, eg. check FilterReplyMessage argument dwReplyBufferSize (must be DWORD):

W>  FilterReplyMessage(
W>    __in HANDLE  hPort,
W>    __in PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER  lpReplyBuffer,
W>    __in DWORD  dwReplyBufferSize
W>    ); 

Yes Sir wallaby the Declaration is as follows :

function FilterReplyMessage(hPort: THandle; lpReplyBuffer: PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER; dwReplyBufferSize: DWORD): HRESULT;
    stdcall; external 'FLTLIB.dll';

Could i have you email and i will send you the Full Project

thank you for your help
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