Черновик доклада разработчиков XenServer на ICFP 2010
От: FR  
Дата: 12.09.10 14:23
Оценка: 4 (1)
Тут http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~avsm2/icfp2010-xen-draft.pdf.

Довольно интересно и относительно подробно об индустриальном применении функционального языка.
Мне показалось интересным вот это:

Despite concerns raised at the start of the XAPI project, the MTT
has had no difficulty in finding and hiring good OCaml programmers,
and has been able to grow at a comparable rate to the other
XenServer teams that used mainstream languages. From October
2006 to April 2010, 12 engineers have been hired into OCamlprogramming
positions (roughly a quarter of all XenServer engineers
hired over the period).

And, secondly,
we have found that previous OCaml experience is not a prerequisite
for hiring into OCaml-programming positions.
In fact, of the 12 engineers hired, only 2 had prior experience
of OCaml; the other 10 learnt OCaml after they started work at
XenSource or Citrix. Interestingly, having to learn OCaml did not
make a big difference to the training time of the new engineers:
the 10 engineers that did not know OCaml became productive at
about the same speed as the 2 engineers that did have prior OCaml

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