Holumbus, a distributed web-oriented computation for Haskell
От: thesz Россия http://thesz.livejournal.com
Дата: 28.08.09 09:01

Holumbus is a Haskell library which provides the basic building blocks for creating powerful indexing and search applications. This includes a framework for distributed crawling and indexing as well as distributed query processing. Additionally, a full-fledged distributed Map-Reduce framework is included.

To explore the power of Holumbus, have a look at Hayoo!, a Haskell API search engine, or download (see below) Holumbus and check out some of the included examples.

The Holumbus framework ist split into four sub-packages, which build upon each other but may also be used independently:

    The Holumbus Distribution Library
    The Holumbus Storage System
    The Holumbus MapReduce Framework
    The Holumbus Search Engine
    A cookbook for the MapReduce Framework

Yours truly, Serguey Zefirov (thesz NA mail TOCHKA ru)
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