Как DSL на Хаскеле четырёх сишных библиотек обогнал.
От: thesz Россия http://thesz.livejournal.com
Дата: 12.01.09 10:15
И не где-нибудь, а на Cell BE.

Coconut is a developing system for high-assurance, high-performance software. It was used to develop a library of special functions for the Cell BE processor, which is distributed in the Cell BE SDK 3.0 as MASS. Average performance is 4X better than the alternative hand-tuned C library, SimdMath.<br />
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Coconut has been successful where patterns of efficient hardware-specific computation can be captured as higher-order functions and encoded in a Domain Specific Language embedded in Haskell. Patterns include efficient control structures not expressible in C, e.g., the MultiLoop, and efficient uses of SIMD instructions which require significant compile-time computation for pattern specialization. Some patterns interact with a novel instruction scheduler called Explicitly Staged Software Pipelining, based on a min-cut approach, which outperforms SWING modulo scheduling in our tests.

Я понимаю, что обогнать в четыре раза одну библиотеку не то же самое, что обогнать четыре библиотеки.

Но тогда бы заголовок был бы не столь увлекательным.

К тому же этот заголовок помещается в поле ввода.
Yours truly, Serguey Zefirov (thesz NA mail TOCHKA ru)
haskell ibm cell be
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