GHC. Многопоточность. Производительность
От: Mirrorer  
Дата: 07.02.08 08:24
Оценка: 1 (1)

This measures two things: how long it takes to fork a given number of threads, and how long it takes to send a tiny message through this ring of threads.

On my 32-bit desktop, I can fork 175,000 threads in one second, and send a message through the ring in 0.09 seconds. This was with a thread stack size of 172 bytes. GHC’s runtime will grow a thread’s stack dynamically if it overflows, so it’s safe to use such a small stack size.

During these runs, the memory consumed by the process maxed out at a slender 45MB.

I find all of these numbers to be very impressive, but they don’t grow linearly. Memory consumption stays low if I create 1.75 million threads (just 354MB), but the time to fork them leaps up to 95 seconds. Messaging through the ring also takes a big jump, to 5.6 seconds.

Конечно сферический конь в вакууме, но все равно инетерсно имхо.
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