Re: Warning (level 3) C4290 - генерирование исключения
От: SchweinDeBurg Россия
Дата: 18.07.06 07:35
Здравствуйте, <Аноним>, Вы писали:

А>void CFoo::SomeFunction() throw(int)//<--Компилятор выдает Warning C4290 . Почему ? Что не правильно ?

A function is declared using exception specification, which Visual C++ accepts but does not implement. Code with exception specifications that are ignored during compilation may need to be recompiled and linked to be reused in future versions supporting exception specifications.

For more information, see Exception Specifications .

(с) МСДН
[ posted via RSDN@Home 1.1.4 stable SR1 r568, accompanied by silence ]
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