От: jazzer Россия Skype: enerjazzer
Дата: 22.04.11 01:13
Все, кто интересуется сабжем и/или видит необходимость использования такой библиотеки в своих проектах, качайте, пробуйте и пишите отзывы в boost-devel!

This is a reminder that formal review of the Boost.Convert library by
Vladimir Batov starts on Saturday, April 23, and is scheduled to last
through May 2.

* Its Purpose *

From the introduction:

Boost.Convert builds on the boost::lexical_cast experience and still
offers a simple, minimal interface, familiar conversion behavior and more:

* throwing and non-throwing behavior when conversion fails;
* support for the default/fallback value to be returned when
conversion fails;
* two types of the conversion-failure check — basic/simple and
* formatting support based on the standard std::streams and
std::stream-based manipulators (like std::hex, std::scientific, etc.);
* support for different locales;
* support for boost::range-compliant char and wchar_t-based string
containers (std::string, std::wstring, char const*, wchar_t const*, char
array[], etc.);
* no DefaultConstructibility requirement for the Target/Destination
* extendibility and additional room to grow.

* Where to get it *

You can find the Boost.Convert here:

The HTML documentation is part of the distribution and can be found
at libs/convert/index.html in the distribution above.

* Writing a review *

The reviews and all comments should be submitted to the developers list,
and the email should have "[convert] Review" at the beginning of the
subject line to make sure it's not missed.

Please explicitly state in your review whether the library should be

The general review checklist:

— What is your evaluation of the design?
— What is your evaluation of the implementation?
— What is your evaluation of the documentation?
— What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the
— Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you
have any problems?
— How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A
quick reading? In-depth study?
— Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?

And finally, every review should answer this question:

— Do you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library?

Be sure to say this explicitly so that your other comments don't
obscure your overall opinion.

Edward Diener,
Review Manager

ЗЫ А то ругать буст многие горазды, а где вы были со своими претензиями, когда соответствующие библиотеки обсуждались перед их включением в буст? Вот вам шанс — не дайте отстою пролезть в буст!
ЗЗЫ На всякий случай: желающие покричать, что буст — отстой, могут это сделать в КСВ.
jazzer (Skype: enerjazzer) Ночная тема для RSDN
Автор: jazzer
Дата: 26.11.09

You will always get what you always got
  If you always do  what you always did
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