От: jazzer Россия Skype: enerjazzer
Дата: 18.04.11 01:35
Оценка: 2 (2)
Сейчас вот здесь ( происходит обсуждение и тестирование предложенной в Boost библиотеки для работы с локалями.

Boost.Locale provides thorough localization features to C++ programs by
way of std::locale facets. Excerpted from the introduction:

C++ offers a very good base for localization via the existing C++
locale facets [...] But these are very limited and sometimes buggy
by design. Support for localization varies [...], and there are
frequently incompatibilities between them.

On the other hand, there is a great, well debugged, high quality,
widely used ICU library that gives all of the goodies. But it has a
very dated API that mimics Java behavior, completely ignores the
STL, and provides a useful API only for UTF-16 encoded text,
ignoring other popular Unicode encodings like UTF-8 and UTF-32 and
limited but still popular national character sets like Latin1.

Boost.Locale provides the natural glue between the C++ locales
framework, iostreams, and the powerful ICU library.

Although it can use the ICU library, it supports several other
processing options as well.

Сама предлагаемая библиотека здесь:
Документация здесь:

Просят присылать свои мнения в течение этой недели.

ЗЫ Я ее не тестировал. Мне локали не особо интересны, так что ничего о ней не могу сказать.
ЗЗЫ Вообще план будущих review здесь:
jazzer (Skype: enerjazzer) Ночная тема для RSDN
Автор: jazzer
Дата: 26.11.09

You will always get what you always got
  If you always do  what you always did
Re: Boost.Locale
От: Аноним  
Дата: 19.04.11 12:13
Неужто теперь и в mingw будет рабочая локаль? Хотеть!
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