Прошу сделать review кода - класс udp-connection
От: Аноним  
Дата: 15.04.11 07:54
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#define    CONNECTION_H

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>

namespace boost_ip = boost::asio::ip;

enum {
    max_length = 1024

class connection {

    connection(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, short port)
    : _endpoint()
    , _socket(io_service, udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), port) ) {}

    /** @brief Get boost UDP socket (both client and server side)
     *  @return  socket (without any check) */
    boost_ip::udp::socket& socket() {
        return _socket;

    /** @brief Read from socket to buffer */
    void read() {

            boost::asio::buffer(&_inbound_data[0], _inbound_data.size())
            , _endpoint);

    /** @brief Write buffer to socket */
    template <typename InputIterator>
    void write(InputIterator beg
        , InputIterator end
        , size_t packet_size) {

        _socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(&_outgoing_data[0], packet_size)
            , _endpoint);

    /** @brief Async write buffer to socket
     *  This overloaded function does not flushes outgoing buffer,
     * so buffer saved before will be sent
     * @param handler custom completion handler for async operation
     * @param packet_size transferring object size */
    template <typename Handler>
    void async_write(Handler handler, size_t packet_size) {

        boost::asio::buffer(&_outgoing_data[0], packet_size)
            , _endpoint
            , handler);

    /** @brief Async write buffer to socket
     * This overloaded function includes outgoing buffer flush and reassign.
     *  @param begin begin() iterator of serialized data container
     *  @param end end() iterator of serialized data container
     *  @param handler custom completion handler for async operation
     *  @param packet_size serialized object size */
    template <typename Handler, typename InputIterator>
    void async_write(InputIterator begin
    , InputIterator end
    , Handler handler
    , size_t packet_size) {

        set_outgoing_buffer(begin, end);
        _socket.async_send_to(boost::asio::buffer(&_outgoing_data[0], packet_size)
            , _endpoint
            , handler);

    /** @brief Async read buffer from socket
     *  @param handler custom completion handler for async operation */
    template <typename Handler>
    void async_read(Handler handler) {

        boost::asio::buffer(&_inbound_data[0], _inbound_data.size())
            , _endpoint
            , handler);

    /** @brief Get inbound buffer data for read-only access
     *  @return inbound buffer as c-array     */
    const char* get_inbound_buffer() const {
        return _inbound_data.data();

    /** @brief Get outgoing buffer data for read-only access
     *  @return outgoing buffer as c-array     */
    const char* get_outgoing_buffer() const {
        return _outgoing_data.data();

    /** @brief Set outgoing buffer before send
     *  @param beg begin() iterator of serialized data container
     *  @param end end() iterator of serialized data container */
    template<typename InputIterator>
    void set_outgoing_buffer(InputIterator beg, InputIterator end) {
        std::memset(_outgoing_data.c_array(), 0x0, _outgoing_data.size());
        std::copy(beg, end, _outgoing_data.begin());

    /**@brief Set client-side endpoint
     * @param e new endpoint */
    void set_endpoint(const boost_ip::udp::endpoint& e){
        _endpoint = e;


    /** @brief Endpoint (where should we send packet) */
    boost_ip::udp::endpoint _endpoint;

    /** @brief Boost UDP socket  */
    boost_ip::udp::socket _socket;

    /** @brief Container to store inboiund data */
    boost::array<char, max_length> _inbound_data;

    /** @brief Container to store outgoing data */
    boost::array<char, max_length> _outgoing_data;

#endif    /* CONNECTION_H */
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