[ANN] Using Callback Back-ends with the Pantheios Logging AP
От: SchweinDeBurg Россия http://zarezky.spb.ru/
Дата: 20.06.08 04:41
Using Callback Back-ends with the Pantheios Logging API Library

A tutorial on using the Pantheios logging API library with Visual Studio, and customising output behaviour using callback back-ends.

A user of the Pantheios logging API library wished to know how to use the callback functionality of the be.WindowsConsole back-end. This article describes how to do that, and also provides a general tutorial for how to select Pantheios back-ends in a Windows application. I'm going to be using Visual Studio 2005; users of other IDEs should be able to readily translate the necessary steps to their chosen toolset(s). The article takes the form of a series of instructions, and pertinent information about the steps involved are given as we go, in a loosely test-driven manner, as follows:

[ posted via RSDN@Home 1.1.4 stable SR1 r568, accompanied by silence ]
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