[ANN] Strings and IOStreams: STL implementations comparison
От: SchweinDeBurg Россия http://zarezky.spb.ru/
Дата: 19.10.06 04:12
Оценка: 44 (4)

This article present comparison of strings (and some iostreams features) implementation in STLport (trunk) and libstdc++. This tests also can help to answer on questions: COW or non-COW strings implementation better? What allocator is better? Under what conditions? This comparison is done on the base of STLport strings, ropes and libstdc++ strings. I expect that this results will help to make decision between STL implementations as well proper choice of strings implementation. And, of cause, it will help in future development of STLport.

compare.pdf (128 Кб)

Эта статья уже публиковалась, но вчера ее обновили.
[ posted via RSDN@Home 1.1.4 stable SR1 r568, accompanied by silence ]
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In Windows, there’s always a catch… © Paul DiLascia
Re: ужас.
От: Roman Odaisky Украина  
Дата: 20.10.06 14:19
Уж лучше б он по-русски писал!

Если ты осилил, то мог бы кратко подытожить?
До последнего не верил в пирамиду Лебедева.
Re[2]: ужас.
От: FreshMeat Россия http://www.rsdn.org
Дата: 20.10.06 14:25
Здравствуйте, Roman Odaisky, Вы писали:

RO>Если ты осилил, то мог бы кратко подытожить?

В конце статьи нашелся раздел

10 Conclusions
This tests show that

Хорошо там, где мы есть! :)
Re: [ANN] Strings and IOStreams: STL implementations compari
От: AndrewJD США  
Дата: 20.10.06 14:55
Оценка: -1
Здравствуйте, SchweinDeBurg, Вы писали:


SDB>This article present comparison of strings (and some iostreams features) implementation in STLport (trunk) and libstdc++. This tests also can help to answer on questions: COW or non-COW strings implementation better? What allocator is better? Under what conditions? This comparison is done on the base of STLport strings, ropes and libstdc++ strings. I expect that this results will help to make decision between STL implementations as well proper choice of strings implementation. And, of cause, it will help in future development of STLport.

Протестировали хотя бы на разных компиляторах. А так
"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat,
and wrong."
Re: [ANN] Strings and IOStreams: STL implementations compari
От: remark Россия http://www.1024cores.net/
Дата: 20.10.06 17:43
Здравствуйте, SchweinDeBurg, Вы писали:


SDB>This article present comparison of strings (and some iostreams features) implementation in STLport (trunk) and libstdc++. This tests also can help to answer on questions: COW or non-COW strings implementation better? What allocator is better? Under what conditions? This comparison is done on the base of STLport strings, ropes and libstdc++ strings. I expect that this results will help to make decision between STL implementations as well proper choice of strings implementation. And, of cause, it will help in future development of STLport.

SDB>compare.pdf (128 Кб)


SDB>Эта статья уже публиковалась, но вчера ее обновили.

Минус, что нет стандартной библиотеки из msvc. Как никак самая используемая реализация.

1024cores — all about multithreading, multicore, concurrency, parallelism, lock-free algorithms
Re: [ANN] Strings and IOStreams: STL implementations compari
От: rm822 Россия  
Дата: 21.10.06 17:09
Здравствуйте, SchweinDeBurg, Вы писали:


SDB>This article present comparison of strings (and some iostreams features) implementation in STLport (trunk) and libstdc++. This tests also can help to answer on questions: COW or non-COW strings implementation better? What allocator is better? Under what conditions? This comparison is done on the base of STLport strings, ropes and libstdc++ strings. I expect that this results will help to make decision between STL implementations as well proper choice of strings implementation. And, of cause, it will help in future development of STLport.

SDB>compare.pdf (128 Кб)


SDB>Эта статья уже публиковалась, но вчера ее обновили.

Если кратко то без сравнения с STL MSVC 6, 7, 7.1, 8 толку "маловато будет"(c)
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