[ANN] Tree Container Library
От: SchweinDeBurg Россия http://zarezky.spb.ru/
Дата: 31.08.06 08:10
Оценка: 5 (1)
Tree Container Library

The Tree Container Library (TCL) is a generic tree container library that's used to store data elements in a tree-like structure. The tree containers not only work much like the STL, but are compatible with the STL algorithms. The TCL consists of four container classes. These classes allow storage of basic data types or user defined types, as elements within nodes of a tree structure. Each node of the tree is considered a tree itself, having all the properties of a tree container. So, any operation which can be performed on a tree container can likewise be performed on any node within the tree. Iterators are provided to allow the traversal of the tree nodes. Insert and find operations, as well as various other operations, are also provided.

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