TON всё, новые криптовалюты возможно тоже
От: Kernan Ниоткуда
Дата: 12.05.20 17:50
Оценка: 2 (1) :)
После того как Паша смог сделать свою блокчейн платформу его таки задавили юридически банковское лобби через SEC.

Unfortunately, a US court stopped TON from happening. How? Imagine that several people put their money together to build a gold mine – and to later split the gold that comes out of it. Then a judge comes and says: "These people invested in the gold mine because they were looking for profits. And they didn't want that gold for themselves, they wanted to sell it to other people. Because of this, they are not allowed to get the gold."

Sic luceat lux!
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