WTL и Dr. Memory
От: PPA Россия http://flylinkdc.blogspot.com/
Дата: 30.10.13 05:06
Всем привет.
drmemory (http://code.google.com/p/drmemory/downloads/list)
Показывает ошибку работы с GDI в ::ImageList_DrawIndirect(&ildp);
Подскажите в чем криминал?

Error #181: GDI USAGE ERROR: DC 0xa8015c49 that contains selected object being deleted
# 0 system call NtGdiDeleteObjectApp
# 1 GDI32.dll!DeleteDC +0xb6 (0x74e5596a <GDI32.dll+0x1596a>)
# 2 GDI32.dll!DeleteDC +0x11 (0x74e558c5 <GDI32.dll+0x158c5>)
# 3 COMCTL32.dll!DSA_SetItem +0x96e (0x71ec2198 <COMCTL32.dll+0x32198>)
# 4 COMCTL32.dll!ImageList_DrawIndirect +0x3a (0x71ea3612 <COMCTL32.dll+0x13612>)
# 5 WTL::CCommandBarCtrlImpl<WTL::CMDICommandBarCtrl,WTL::CCommandBarCtrlBase,ATL::CWinTraits<1442840576,0> >::_CreateVistaBitmapHelper [c:\vc10\r5xx\wtl\atlctrlw.h:3237]
# 6 WTL::CCommandBarCtrlImpl<WTL::CMDICommandBarCtrl,WTL::CCommandBarCtrlBase,ATL::CWinTraits<1442840576,0> >::_AddVistaBitmapsFromImageList [c:\vc10\r5xx\wtl\atlctrlw.h:3156]
# 7 MainFrame::createMainMenu [c:\vc10\r5xx\windows\mainfrm.cpp:393]
# 8 MainFrame::OnCreate [c:\vc10\r5xx\windows\mainfrm.cpp:535]
# 9 MainFrame::ProcessWindowMessage [c:\vc10\r5xx\windows\mainfrm.h:133]
#10 WTL::CMDIFrameWindowImpl<MainFrame,WTL::CMDIWindow,ATL::CWinTraits<114229248,262400> >::MDIFrameWindowProc [c:\vc10\r5xx\wtl\atlframe.h:1501]
#11 USER32.dll!gapfnScSendMessage +0x331 (0x766b62fa <USER32.dll+0x162fa>)
Note: @0:00:44.275 in thread 11732

Код в WTL

// Implementation - support for Vista menus
    void _AddVistaBitmapsFromImageList(int nStartIndex, int nCount)
        // Create display compatible memory DC
        CClientDC dc(NULL);
        CDC dcMem;
        HBITMAP hBitmapSave = dcMem.GetCurrentBitmap();

        T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
        // Create bitmaps for all menu items
        for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
            HBITMAP hBitmap = pT->_CreateVistaBitmapHelper(nStartIndex + i, dc, dcMem);

    HBITMAP _CreateVistaBitmapHelper(int nIndex, HDC hDCSource, HDC hDCTarget)
        // Create 32-bit bitmap
        BITMAPINFO bi = { 0 };
        bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
        bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = m_szBitmap.cx;
        bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = m_szBitmap.cy;
        bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
        bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
        bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
        bi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
        bi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
        bi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
        bi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
        bi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
        HBITMAP hBitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(hDCSource, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, 0);
        ATLASSERT(hBitmap != NULL);

        // Select bitmap into target DC and draw from image list to it
        if(hBitmap != NULL)
            ::SelectObject(hDCTarget, hBitmap);

            IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS ildp = { 0 };
            ildp.cbSize = sizeof(IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS);
            ildp.himl = m_hImageList;
            ildp.i = nIndex;
            ildp.hdcDst = hDCTarget;
            ildp.x = 0;
            ildp.y = 0;
            ildp.cx = 0;
            ildp.cy = 0;
            ildp.xBitmap = 0;
            ildp.yBitmap = 0;
            ildp.fStyle = ILD_TRANSPARENT;
            ildp.fState = ILS_ALPHA;
            ildp.Frame = 255;
            ::ImageList_DrawIndirect(&ildp);   // << c:\vc10\r5xx\wtl\atlctrlw.h:3237

        return hBitmap;
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